Matthiew Burnside: Whittles has the best sweet corn... and tassels
Matthiew Burnside: Putting up hay
Matthiew Burnside: These guys do not make life easy...
Matthiew Burnside: Juvenile male Cardinal
Matthiew Burnside: In the field
Matthiew Burnside: Cornstalk Landing
Matthiew Burnside: Jack! How are the eggs hatching?
Matthiew Burnside: "Come here often ginger?"
Matthiew Burnside: What kind of novel would this Charlotte write?
Matthiew Burnside: What nature will do for attention
Matthiew Burnside: You ever feel like your being watched?
Matthiew Burnside: Eastern Redbud
Matthiew Burnside: Hardest working flower in the yard.
Matthiew Burnside: Lean to the light
Matthiew Burnside: Life isn't about having patience it's about having enough patience
Matthiew Burnside: Rusty Spring
Matthiew Burnside: Time to fly
Matthiew Burnside: Hard year to be a crocus
Matthiew Burnside: "Thought he'd forgot he owned a camera"
Matthiew Burnside: Stop poking me!
Matthiew Burnside: Supermoon 1
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Matthiew Burnside: DSC_0107.jpg
Matthiew Burnside: DSC_9912.jpg