Michal Kukla: Carpenter ant (Camponotus herculeanus) queen killed by parasites (Phoridae?)
mpke: Green ant.
Seth Burgess: Aphaenogaster texana
Michal Kukla: Myrmica rugulosa
Michal Kukla: Temnothorax parvulus & Manica rubida
Michal Kukla: Messor barbarus
Michal Kukla: Formica lemani - nanitic worker and queen
Michal Kukla: Lasius brunneus
hugo D.: Camponotus aurocinctus
hugo D.: Leptogenys sp (Army ants)
hugo D.: Camponotus giga
Seth Burgess: Sparky
Michal Kukla: Myrmecina graminicola
Michal Kukla: Ponera coarctata - young queen
Michal Kukla: Myrmecina graminicola carrying a pupa
Michal Kukla: Young Formica cinerea and pupae
Michal Kukla: Formica cinerea- two kinds of pupae and larva
Tome Rodrigo: Ant with pimples
fredlab: Un jour plus tard
Beetle1972: Cataglyphis ant
Hubert Polacek: Hungry wasp - Vespula germanica
antoniocamacho: reina de Paratrechina jaegerskioeldi
Javier Replinger: Hormiga Messor
johnhallmen: Studio stack: Leaf Rolling Weevil
Nikola Rahme: Pseudoscorpion in the studio
Beetle1972: Rhynchites
andrea hallgass: Crematogaster scutellaris ♀ (Olivier; 1792)
andrea hallgass: Crematogaster scutellaris ♀ (Olivier; 1792)
andrea hallgass: Formica cf. pratensis (Retzius, 1783)
andrea hallgass: Messor cf. structor (Latreille, 1798) - (operaia maior)