photoram: 20231210_174505
photoram: Boating in Devon river, Bristol;
photoram: 20231222_154933
photoram: 20231218_194019
photoram: 20220512_101305
photoram: 20221116_115708
photoram: IMG_20180407_214017
photoram: Route to Mukthinath
photoram: Root bridge, Meghalaya
photoram: 20230507_130117
photoram: 20230507_125751
photoram: 20230507_125737
photoram: 20231110_141538
photoram: 20231110_103541
photoram: 20231112_124958
photoram: 20231110_103248
photoram: 20231109_073410
photoram: 20221029_213308
photoram: 20210527_141447
photoram: 20221110_070745
photoram: 20221110_070554
photoram: 20230507_131034
photoram: 20230507_125934
photoram: 20231207_184616
photoram: 20231207_184542
photoram: 20231207_212652
photoram: 20231207_212626
photoram: 20231207_212522
photoram: Scenic beauty of Kapali temple and tank on an all clear weather day with clear blue sky
photoram: 20231207_211119