photor432: 白頭翁 Chinese bulbul in Taiwan
photor432: 白頭翁 Chinese bulbul in Taiwan
photor432: 白頭翁 Chinese bulbul in Taiwan
photor432: 田尾 波斯菊 Cosmos bipinnatus in Taiwan
photor432: 大肚 荷花 Lotus in Taiwan
photor432: 河津櫻 南投 鹿谷 小半天 石馬公園 Kawazu cherry in Taiwan
photor432: 楓香 Formosan Sweet Gum in Taiwan
photor432: 楓香 Formosan Sweet Gum in Taiwan
photor432: 烏桕新芽 Sapium sebiferum sprouts in Taiwan
photor432: 烏桕枯葉 Sapium sebiferum leaves in Taiwan
photor432: 紅鳩 Streptopelia tranquebarica in Taiwan
photor432: 山櫻花 Prunus campanulata in Taiwan
photor432: 扶桑花 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis in Taiwan
photor432: 山櫻花 Prunus campanulata in Taiwan
photor432: 中社花市 劍蘭 Flowers Gladiolus spp in Taiwan.
photor432: 植物園 五色鳥 Megalaima nuchalis in Taiwan
photor432: 彰化 福寶溼地 候鳥 高翹鴴 洗澎澎 Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus) take a bath in Taiwan
photor432: 彰化 福寶溼地 候鳥 高翹鴴 洗澎澎並揮舞翅膀甩水 Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus) take a bath and waving wings dumped water in Taiwan
photor432: 彰化 福寶溼地 候鳥 高翹鴴 洗澎澎並曬乾羽毛 Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus) take a bath and dried feathers in Taiwan
photor432: 吐舌頭 中港交流道 牛背鷺 Sticking out tongue . Cattlee gret (Bubulcus ibis) in Taichung , Taiwan
photor432: 中港交流道 牛背鷺 Cattlee gret (Bubulcus ibis) in Taichung , Taiwan
photor432: 守護鳥巢 中港交流道 牛背鷺 Guard the nest . Cattlee gret (Bubulcus ibis) in Taichung , Taiwan
photor432: 白鷺鷥 太平 新都生態公園 Egretta garzetta in Taiwan
photor432: 綠繡眼 青啼仔 White-eye in Taiwan
photor432: 白鷺鷥 太平 新都生態公園 Egretta garzetta in Taiwan
photor432: 中港交流道 牛背鷺 Cattlee gret (Bubulcus ibis) in Taichung , Taiwan
photor432: 中港交流道 牛背鷺 Cattlee gret (Bubulcus ibis) in Taichung , Taiwan
photor432: 清水 荷花 Lotus in Cingsheui , Taichung , Taiwan
photor432: 清水 雙胞胎荷花 The twins Lotus in Cingsheui , Taichung , Taiwan
photor432: 清水 荷花 Lotus in Cingsheui , Taichung , Taiwan