photor432: 070923 Fireworks in Taichung,Taiwan
photor432: 100307 台一休閒農場 TaiYi Ecological Leisure Farm, Nantou , Taiwan
photor432: 荷花的最終日 大肚 荷花 The final day of the lotus in Tatu , Taichung , Taiwan
photor432: 早晨彩霞 Sunrise in Taichung , Taiwan
photor432: 路思義教堂 東海大學 台中 The Luce Chapel in Taichung , Taiwan
photor432: 喬治亞上空 Georgia 往維也納路上 Aerial photography over Georgia
photor432: 帖契 捷克 Telč Czech Republic
photor432: 麗水 漁港 黃昏彩霞 Sunset in Lishui fishing port , Taichung , Taiwan
photor432: 鬱金香 Tulip in Taichung , Taiwan
photor432: 鬱金香 Tulip in Taichung , Taiwan
photor432: 八重櫻 泰安派出所 Sakura . Cerasus lannesiana in Taiwan
photor432: 南投大鞍茶園 Daan tea garden in Nantou , Taiwan
photor432: 南投大鞍茶園 Daan tea garden in Nantou , Taiwan
photor432: 台中新社-紅蜻蜓 Red dragonfly in Taichung , Taiwan
photor432: 大肚溪畔-黃昏彩霞 Pink clouds. Sunset in Taichung , Taiwan
photor432: 合歡山 武嶺 晨景 Morning in Wuling , Hehuan Mountain , Nantou , Taiwan
photor432: 合歡山 武嶺 環景
photor432: 龍井麗水-高翹鴴 Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus) in Taiwan
photor432: 彰化 福興 跳躍的麻雀 Jumping Sparrow in Fusing ,Changhua ,Taiwan
photor432: 台中 稻田裡的牛背鷺 Cattlee gret (Bubulcus ibis) in the farm , Taichung , Taiwan
photor432: 凌空漫步 台中 稻田裡的牛背鷺 Cattlee gret (Bubulcus ibis) in the farm , Taichung , Taiwan
photor432: 大甲 青帶鳳蝶 Butterfly in Taichung , Taiwan Butterfly in Taichung , Taiwan
photor432: 大肚 荷花 Lotus in Taichung , Taiwan
photor432: Blue sky in Taichung , Taiwan
photor432: 荷花 中興新村 荷花 Lotus in Chung-hsing New Village , Nantou , Taiwan
photor432: 荷花 中興新村 荷花 Lotus in Chung-hsing New Village , Nantou , Taiwan
photor432: 荷花 中興新村 荷花 Lotus in Chung-hsing New Village , Nantou , Taiwan
photor432: 荷花 中興新村 荷花 Lotus in Chung-hsing New Village , Nantou , Taiwan
photor432: 荷花 中興新村 荷花 Lotus in Chung-hsing New Village , Nantou , Taiwan
photor432: 清水 荷花 Lotus in Cingsheui , Taichung , Taiwan