photofoolery: Room for one more?
photofoolery: Black Vultures at Spring Lake Eco Park
photofoolery: Cattle Egret with Frog
photofoolery: Red-shouldered Hawk on Fence Post
photofoolery: Red-shouldered Hawk
photofoolery: Yippeee!
photofoolery: Why I'm a vegan...
photofoolery: Mockingbird
photofoolery: Little Blue Heron
photofoolery: Wood Stork in Flight
photofoolery: Eastern Meadowlark
photofoolery: American Coots
photofoolery: Gray-headed Swamphen
photofoolery: Gray-headed Swamphen and Chick
photofoolery: Gray-headed Swamphen
photofoolery: Great Egret
photofoolery: Browsing
photofoolery: Osprey
photofoolery: Savannah Sparrow
photofoolery: Anhinga with Fish
photofoolery: Anhinga with Fish: Down the Hatch