photofoolery: Otter!
photofoolery: Say Cheese!
photofoolery: Short Video: Sandhill Cranes - Jumping for Joy!
photofoolery: Eastern Meadowlark
photofoolery: Black Vulture
photofoolery: Scarlet Tanager
photofoolery: Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
photofoolery: Roadside Cafe
photofoolery: Roadside Cafe...
photofoolery: American Pekin Ducks
photofoolery: Not a Happy Camper
photofoolery: Summer Tanager
photofoolery: Swallow for Identification
photofoolery: Carolina Wren
photofoolery: Great Blue Heron in Flight
photofoolery: Barn Swallow in Flight
photofoolery: Florida Scrub-Jay
photofoolery: Dynamic Duo
photofoolery: Red-shouldered Hawk
photofoolery: Raccoon
photofoolery: Mallard x Mottled (Hybrid) Ducks
photofoolery: Is one different?
photofoolery: Anhinga with Fish: Down the Hatch
photofoolery: Anhinga with Fish
photofoolery: Common Gallinule
photofoolery: Snowy Egret
photofoolery: Incoming
photofoolery: Green Heron
photofoolery: Loggerhead Shrike
photofoolery: Cattle Egrets