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#JeremyCorbyn takes the position of new leader of the Labour Party. #labour #labourleadership
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Politics on a Saturday. Whose seat might this be? #labour #labourleadership
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A still from some footage I shot in Greece with @itsamandything. We were watching the sunset and this random stray dog came and greeted us from out of nowhere.
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Went on a 5 day rafting trip in Oregon a couple years back. Nothing like watching a sunset turn a river orange. Definitely a must!
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This was one of my favourite spots on a recent trip to Morocco where I am documenting the Argan Oil trade. For good light on landscape photography there, you really only get about 50 minutes in the morning.
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A wee bit of cloud porn from my rooftop picnic today.
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Watching St. Paul's cathedral absorb the last rays of light.
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They say the best camera is the one you have on you. Thankfully, I take my phone on runs. Came across this lone tree growing in the middle of a pond during a rainy jog last eve.
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Crow geometry. Could it be a ...crow-sin?
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Back to the Monday grind after a weekend on the English West coast. Time to plan the next trip.
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Nothing like getting out of he city for the weekend. Had a great hike with @slomozovo along the west coast of England.
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Germans in Canada :) One more of dogs camping... No journey is the same without em. . Meet Solea, my favourite German Shepherd. She even fetches beer from the fridge!
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When the only way forward is by canoe.. //Some happy memories from my life in Canada
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"I was born upstairs in this shop. It's been in the family for over 100 years, and only shut down once during that time. The Second World War." Meet Bob Cooke, Owner of F. Cooke Pie and Mash shop on Broadway Market. Well worth a visit if you find your s
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"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both" R. Frost
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I was trying to take some landscapes when this little feller showed up out of nowhere. It's like he climbed the cliff that I was shooting from to get in my shot. I literally had to move my tripod to get the shot without him, as he wouldn't budge. Thanks..
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To this day, I find it incredibly difficult to ask strangers to take their portrait. When there is a language barrier, you have to find other ways to communicate your intentions and build trust. It is so important to build rapport with people for portrait
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"So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." F. Scott Fitzgerald
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Getting ready to leave #Morocco. It's been an amazing trip with some more exciting material for the book I'm working on. On a side note, I'm definitely gonna miss surfing during the "bad light" hours too..
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The sun rises over a Marabout in a town overlooking the sea, Western #Morocco
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A young shepherd marches his flock through the #Argan forests along the west coast of #Morocco. Goats love the Argan fruits too, which is why you often see them climb the trees.
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Harvest season is now in full swing in the #Argan forests of #Morocco. The fruits are collected by women and later sold on to produce #Arganoil
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Fresh fruit for sale at a market in Aguerd, Marocco
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Yet another beautiful day of shooting. I think a lot of drivers thought I was insane...
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A long ride home.
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Woke up extra early today to visit a local market and catch the first morning rays.
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I had been driving all day, when I finally spotted a group of #berber women gathering #Argan fruits. These women will sell their harvest at the souk (market) tomorrow. The fruit will later be shelled and pressed to create #Arganoil. It takes 30kg of frui
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Great first day back working on a photo project about Morocco's Argan forests.
Photo Ammon:
Ah, good to be back in #Morocco. It's only about 47 degrees Celsius out here. Glad I'm only lugging around camera gear. This guy's getting ready to load on sacks of #Argan fruit.