Christie : Colour & Light Collection: OCEAN DEFIANT TUG FROZEN IN ICE - FRASER RIVER, BC
PeterBrannon: On the Hunt
Christie : Colour & Light Collection: QUEENS REACH - GULF OF GEORGIA CANNERY c.1894
shimmer5641: Short-eared Owl / Hibou des marais
Clayton Perry Photoworks: The Wind In Her Hair
bcbirdergirl: Adult Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) - Delta, BC
PeterBrannon: Voracious
Christie : Colour & Light Collection: The epitome of country living
shimmer5641: Red-necked Phalarope / Phalarope à bec étroit
Christie : Colour & Light Collection: Lady Washington fires her cannon
bcbirdergirl: Black-chinned Hummingbird (Archilochus alexandri) - Richmond, BC
shimmer5641: Rhinoceros Auklet / Macareux rhinocéros
shimmer5641: Black-chinned Hummingbird / Colibri à gorge noire
Wiggsy72: Arrival
PeterBrannon: Swallow-tailed Kite
shimmer5641: Canyon Wren / Troglodyte des canyons
bcbirdergirl: Puget Sound Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis pickeringii) - BC
AZLI JAMIL Photography: MY FAVORITE CANDID... Sooty Grouse
rich lewis: smoke break
Christie : Colour & Light Collection: Yellow ducky ( EXPLORED ) Thank-you
rich lewis: explore
Harris Hui (in search of light): B&W Cherry Blossoms - Terra Nova XT7371e
bcbirdergirl: Lesser Yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes) - Richmond, BC
shimmer5641: Adorable tiny Great Gray Owls with mother
Harris Hui (in search of light): Rainbow Walk - Minoru XT7406e