Rock Art Hunter: Longdrawn
Rock Art Hunter: Good Better Best
Rock Art Hunter: A favorite kokopelli panel
Rock Art Hunter: Mars Curiosity photographs Bathurst Rock Petroglyph
Rock Art Hunter: Not a battery pack photo!
Rock Art Hunter: Love it when I find art like this.
Rock Art Hunter: Green River Utah Art
Rock Art Hunter: Noted Mini Figure in image extraction
Rock Art Hunter: Interesting portion of a panel at Gold Butte NV
Rock Art Hunter: Flaming Circle around a figure - Gold Butte Rock Art
Rock Art Hunter: Gold Butte Area Panel (two photo stitch and crop)
Rock Art Hunter: Cool art at the Falling Man Panel
Rock Art Hunter: Falling Man Panel
Rock Art Hunter: Camera live video photo of pin hole projection
Rock Art Hunter: My failed attempt at using a pinhole camera box
Rock Art Hunter: Trying my cheap Venus Transit imaging camera box with a point and shoot camera
Rock Art Hunter: Pin Hole Photograpy Dining Room Camera (Embedded Links)
Rock Art Hunter: Indoor white board to view the Venus Transit (No scope, just a pin hole)
Rock Art Hunter: Fairly good VenusTransit image in my dining room (Needle's Pin Hole Resolution)
Rock Art Hunter: My indoor pin hole dining room camera to image the transit
Rock Art Hunter: Eh, didn't have goggles so I did this.
Rock Art Hunter: Reflections on viewing the eclipse of May 20, 2012
Rock Art Hunter: Bald Eagle at Deer Creek Reservoir - West of Heber Utah
Rock Art Hunter: Bear hunting scene? White Mountain Petroglyph Site
Rock Art Hunter: The White Mountain Petroglyph Site Video
Rock Art Hunter: An obscure glyph found near White Mountain Petroglyph Site
Rock Art Hunter: White Mountain Petroglyph Site
Rock Art Hunter: White Mountain Petroglyph Site Wyoming
Rock Art Hunter: This panel has a buffalo at lower left center. The previous image shows a small buffalo inside another larger animal so I presume a pregnant buffalo.
Rock Art Hunter: Horse rider with a long train of feathers down his back and holding a large spear.