Philip J. Claxton: The neighbors they adored him for his humor and his conversation.
Philip J. Claxton: I see your problem here.
Philip J. Claxton: The things we lost in the flood
Philip J. Claxton: The things we lost in the flood
Philip J. Claxton: A hobo told me to take this photo.
Philip J. Claxton: Fireworks exploding in the distance.
Philip J. Claxton: The world is cruel to the hard working man.
Philip J. Claxton: Peace Tower
Philip J. Claxton: Centre Block
Philip J. Claxton: The Supreme Court of Canada
Philip J. Claxton: For T.S., wherever he might be.
Philip J. Claxton: The CN Tower is built upon our bones!
Philip J. Claxton: You must be somewhere in London.
Philip J. Claxton: Ghost basement