phil.crissman: Sam stopped to check out the Tardis.
phil.crissman: Sam prepares to go into battle with his sword and his cordless drill. Sounds pretty gruesome.
phil.crissman: The calm before the storm.
phil.crissman: Sam requested that I take his picture with this mannequin. He said its name is "Nicky". I don't know why.
phil.crissman: Use the force, you must.
phil.crissman: What's that up there?
phil.crissman: Tree II: the trimmening.
phil.crissman: An attempted hypercube. Didn't quite work out.
phil.crissman: Marshmallow icosahedron.
phil.crissman: View from my desk.
phil.crissman: First day at work.
phil.crissman: Sam has raised falling asleep in Red Robin to an art form.
phil.crissman: Nic Cage at work.
phil.crissman: Global distribution of heavy metal bands per capita.
phil.crissman: On the way home, Sam thought standing on this raised manhole cover would be a good idea. He asked me, "Is this a good idea?" :-)
phil.crissman: Enjoying some lunch.
phil.crissman: Hanging out at the EMP Museum with Sam this morning.
phil.crissman: Brilliant. Temporary golf club rules, Richmond Golf Club (near London), 1940.