Phiesta's way: GOYANKEE
Phiesta's way: Meeting of styles Italy 2016 in Milano
Phiesta's way: phiesomsksotbrusrazfeb2016
Phiesta's way: 2015//i'mBACK!! (Dis ONE on explore tooπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ) FollOW mE in instagram
Phiesta's way: DaY'n NiTe #phiesta #graffiti #graffitiroma #wildstyle #colors
Phiesta's way: Meeting of styles Italy 2014
Phiesta's way: Never leave!!!!
Phiesta's way: HI people !!!,follOW me on instagram :
Phiesta's way: 995497_227782327373268_1777363298_n
Phiesta's way: _ eMpTY sPAcES _
Phiesta's way: _ BaNgAraNG _
Phiesta's way: __ wHaT mOr£ cAn | sAy __
Phiesta's way: _ MeEtiNg oF sTyLeS iTaLy 2O11 _
Phiesta's way: _ L.A. LiQuOrS _
Phiesta's way: _ mAdE u LoOk _
Phiesta's way: _ jAm _
Phiesta's way: _ bAcK iN dA DayS _
Phiesta's way: _ nO pAiN No GaiN _
Phiesta's way: _ I ReP iTalY oN rAiL _
Phiesta's way: Support me an my crew at W4G italy 2011
Phiesta's way: _iTHINKuSTAYunderME,ifUdontUNDERSTANDme_
Phiesta's way: _ WriTe 4 goLd 2011 _
Phiesta's way: _ eVeRy dAy CreAtE yA HisToRy _
Phiesta's way: __ U alReaDy kNoW __
Phiesta's way: _ TatToOs oN fAceS _
Phiesta's way: __t H e i N v 1 n C i b L e__
Phiesta's way: _ MomEnT oF cLaRity _(on explore)
Phiesta's way: _..eAcH One teAcH onE ! _ (on explore)
Phiesta's way: Ghetto blasta! (on explore)
Phiesta's way: Meeting of Styles Italy 2010