Daniel.15: London embankment- fog 8:30am in march on way to work
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Daniel.15: IMGP4855
Daniel.15: IMGP4874-2
Daniel.15: Tarn Howe , Cumbria. Square crop
Daniel.15: Kirkstone Pass
Daniel.15: Tarn Howe - ferns
Daniel.15: IMGP3698.jpg
Daniel.15: Tarn Howe , Cumbria
Daniel.15: chapel Stile bridge
Daniel.15: DSC06144-2.jpg
Daniel.15: early morning fog on EMbankment near Temple tube station
Daniel.15: Chapel Stile with lens corretion-2.jpg
Daniel.15: Chapel Stile with lens corretion.jpg
Daniel.15: IMGP3752-2.jpg
Daniel.15: IMGP3666.jpg
Daniel.15: IMGP3620.jpg
Daniel.15: IMGP3629.jpg
Daniel.15: IMGP3608.jpg
Daniel.15: DSC05542.jpg
Daniel.15: DSC05549.jpg
Daniel.15: IMGP2549.jpg
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Daniel.15: DSC05428.jpg
Daniel.15: DSC05596.jpg