Philip Magallanes: mergansers-2
Philip Magallanes: Song-Sparrow_singing3
Philip Magallanes: wood-duck1
Philip Magallanes: Hummer-flying
Philip Magallanes: Wings-open-hummer
Philip Magallanes: female-rufus3
Philip Magallanes: rew-wing-BB-baby
Philip Magallanes: mallard-resting
Philip Magallanes: cedar-waxwing
Philip Magallanes: mom-merganser
Philip Magallanes: Pileated-female1
Philip Magallanes: Red-shafted-northern-flicker (1 of 1)
Philip Magallanes: red-breasted-nuthatch2 (1 of 2)
Philip Magallanes: Hooded-Merganser-Male (1 of 1)
Philip Magallanes: Mallards (1 of 1)
Philip Magallanes: Frosty-Bill2 (1 of 1)
Philip Magallanes: Great Blue Heron
Philip Magallanes: Bill-Reflection-close
Philip Magallanes: Great-Blue-Heron-BW
Philip Magallanes: Green-Winged-Teal-2
Philip Magallanes: Green-Winged-Drying-Off
Philip Magallanes: Broken-Heart
Philip Magallanes: Trumper-Swan-Overhead
Philip Magallanes: Chestnut-backed-Chickadee-1B
Philip Magallanes: Short-eared-Owl-2