Philip Magallanes: Kestrel Composite-1
Philip Magallanes: Kestrel Composite-2
Philip Magallanes: Ruby Crowned Kinglet -1
Philip Magallanes: Harrier-Composite-1
Philip Magallanes: Barred Owl -3
Philip Magallanes: Barred Owl -2
Philip Magallanes: Barred Owl -1
Philip Magallanes: Barred Owl -4
Philip Magallanes: Cooper's Hawk -9
Philip Magallanes: Cooper's Hawk -10
Philip Magallanes: Cooper's HAwk -6
Philip Magallanes: Cooper's Hawk -7
Philip Magallanes: Cooper's Hawk with Rabbit -3
Philip Magallanes: Wood Duck and Grass
Philip Magallanes: Wood Duck pair in Grass
Philip Magallanes: Salmon Berry
Philip Magallanes: Hooded Merganser males -1
Philip Magallanes: Purple Martin male -2
Philip Magallanes: Wild Bleeding Heart -1
Philip Magallanes: Rhododendron -1
Philip Magallanes: False Turkey Tail -1
Philip Magallanes: Flowering Currant
Philip Magallanes: Pied-billed Grebes in Chase (7 of 7)
Philip Magallanes: Pied-billed Grebes in Chase (6 of 7)
Philip Magallanes: Pied-billed Grebes in Chase (5 of 7)
Philip Magallanes: Barn Swallow -1
Philip Magallanes: Bald Eagle Sub-adult -1
Philip Magallanes: Violet-green-fight-1
Philip Magallanes: Gray Ghost -1
Philip Magallanes: Red-breasted Sapsucker with Wells -1