gopf2222: They were delicious.
gopf2222: Under there
gopf2222: Dallas
gopf2222: Things change fast in our neighborhood. Yesterday this house had a front porch and sat on a foundation. Today, it's jacked off the ground and ready to move to a new home.
gopf2222: Making friends with the neighbor
gopf2222: What's brown and sticky?
gopf2222: Nice to see you
gopf2222: Love Vandal
gopf2222: With a sign like that, who needs a caption?
gopf2222: The Swiss Riviera is a-ok
gopf2222: Steepest railway in the world makes for a good day.
gopf2222: Just walking around tonight.
gopf2222: This town is alright...
gopf2222: WAT?
gopf2222: Hey @kstar810, how big is that horse statue?
gopf2222: Adventures in babysitting
gopf2222: Movie theater roof or advanced space weaponry? You decide.
gopf2222: More impressive than 9 3/4
gopf2222: Just a normal ceiling.
gopf2222: Rooftop life
gopf2222: The moment before this baby painted turtle took a leap for freedom off my dad's hand.
gopf2222: No problems in Houston today.
gopf2222: I think I'm at a concert, but it also might be my time. #moveintothelight
gopf2222: The ground is more interesting than Mew. Look at the pretty circles!
gopf2222: Making friends
gopf2222: I went to the art museum and took a picture of the ceiling!
gopf2222: Kristy likes the new wheels!
gopf2222: ORD approach