petrichor: noisy miner
petrichor: grey butcherbird
petrichor: a pair of Kookaburras
petrichor: noisy miner II
petrichor: Magpie sunset
petrichor: Galah (Cacatua roseicapilla)
petrichor: Crimson rosella II
petrichor: Crested Pigeon
petrichor: Rainbow Lorikeet IV
petrichor: Rainbow Lorikeet III
petrichor: Rainbow Lorikeet II
petrichor: Rainbow Lorikeet I
petrichor: Kookaburra portrait VI
petrichor: Kookaburra portrait V
petrichor: Kookaburra portrait IV
petrichor: Kookaburra portrait III
petrichor: Kookaburra portrait II
petrichor: Kookaburra portrait I
petrichor: B&W Ibis I
petrichor: Buff banded rail
petrichor: Peewees
petrichor: Padda oryzivora
petrichor: amongst the leaves