Sophie Pethes: Genre picture - zsánerkép
Sophie Pethes: Little jedi
Sophie Pethes: magic:)
Sophie Pethes: portrait with a rainbow
Sophie Pethes: Dawn in Parádsasvár
Sophie Pethes: complementary colours / komplementer színek --Piros ruhás nő a nyárban II. - The red lady in the summer II.
Sophie Pethes: "Dragon Cave Treasures" - Jewellery photography
Sophie Pethes: Jewellery photography - "Dragon Cave Treasures" ;)s
Sophie Pethes: BubbleBride:)
Sophie Pethes: Kati&Szergej:) (like Pride and Prejudice)
Sophie Pethes: Houses - windows
Sophie Pethes: Houses-Colours
Sophie Pethes: Város felett - Top of the city
Sophie Pethes: A "piazza" árnyéka - The shadow of the "piazza"
Sophie Pethes: winter minimal
Sophie Pethes: Melankólia - Melancholy
Sophie Pethes: Hyde Park gyönyörűsége - The treasure of Hyde Park
Sophie Pethes: Hazafelé Krakkóból - homewards from Krakow
Sophie Pethes: My lovely girls:)
Sophie Pethes: Without parents...
Sophie Pethes: Elegant willingness
Sophie Pethes: The power of an ice cream
Sophie Pethes: anyai szeretet
Sophie Pethes: apai szeretet
Sophie Pethes: A büszke barátnő - The proud friend
Sophie Pethes: Esti sávok - Night Lines
Sophie Pethes: hajnali zászlófelvonás - early flag ceremony