PeterQQ2009: Blue-and-yellow macaw, arara-canindé. Lagoa das Araras, Bom Jardim, Mato Grosso, Brazil
PeterQQ2009: Manguezal de Vitória, ES
PeterQQ2009: Manguezal de Vitória, ES
PeterQQ2009: Manguezal de Vitória, ES
PeterQQ2009: Manguezal de Vitória, ES
PeterQQ2009: Manguezal de Vitória, ES
PeterQQ2009: Manguezal de Vitória, ES
PeterQQ2009: Manguezal de Vitória, ES
PeterQQ2009: Manguezal de Vitória, ES
PeterQQ2009: Manguezal de Vitória, ES
PeterQQ2009: Manguezal de Vitória, ES
PeterQQ2009: Misty sunrise
PeterQQ2009: European polecat (Mustela putorius)
PeterQQ2009: Appreciate brilliance
PeterQQ2009: Mykonos
PeterQQ2009: Santorini
PeterQQ2009: Santorini
PeterQQ2009: Common eider (Somateria mollissima)
PeterQQ2009: Long-tailed duck (Clangula hyemalis)
PeterQQ2009: At the end of the rainbow, a pot of.. blubber?
PeterQQ2009: La Palma
PeterQQ2009: Château d'Etoges
PeterQQ2009: Sandlines
PeterQQ2009: More birds
PeterQQ2009: More birds
PeterQQ2009: More birds
PeterQQ2009: Wadden Sea
PeterQQ2009: Wadden Sea
PeterQQ2009: Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus)