The best from aviation: Sukhoi Su-35S fighter getting ready for take-off
Alhimeg: C42B5957web
Alhimeg: DSC08541
Alhimeg: DSC08566
StoSmettendoDiSognare: Bouncing Around
Alhimeg: DSC07526
Alhimeg: DSC09763-2
The best from aviation: Helicopter Kamov Ka-52 during training of the air part of the Victory Parade
Alhimeg: C42B8955
Alhimeg: C42B8900
StoSmettendoDiSognare: Reversed Skyscraper
The best from aviation: Su-24 of Aviation of the Navy during Military naval parade in honor of the Navy Day,Saint-Petersburg,Russia
Alhimeg: C42B7268web
The best from aviation: Be-12 Aviation of the Navy during Military naval parade in honor of the Navy Day,Gromovo ( XLLJ ),Saint-Petersburg,Russia
c-head: L1002223
Ana MD: ¡Macromorado!
Vagifchik: Fontana di Trevi