Kojo Baidoo: Black-and-white Warbler
Kojo Baidoo: Black-throated Green Warbler
Kojo Baidoo: Prairie Warbler
Kojo Baidoo: Yellow-rumped Warbler
Kojo Baidoo: Indigo Bunting
Kojo Baidoo: Cerulean Warbler
Kojo Baidoo: Hooded Warbler
Fred Roe: Reaching the top
Fred Roe: Bright spot
Fred Roe: Bush Beauty
Fred Roe: Face to face
Fred Roe: Just pups
Fred Roe: Looking good
Fred Roe: Eye contact
Fred Roe: Looking back
Fred Roe: Blending in
SharifUddin59: Leconte's Thrasher (Toxostoma lecontei)
SharifUddin59: California Thrasher (Toxostoma redivivum)
SharifUddin59: Cassin's Finch (Haemorhous cassinii) (sp. # 581)
F. Ribeaudeau: Buse variable (Buteo buteo)
F. Ribeaudeau: Buse variable (Buteo buteo)
Obsies: Z92_8296-©MC
Obsies: Z92_8787-©MC
Sierra95: Turkey vulture
Sierra95: Golden-crowned kinglet male
BerColly: Le cincle plongeur | White-throated Dipper
BerColly: La bergeronnette des ruisseaux
BerColly: Le faucon crécerelle
BerColly: Le moulin de Chambeuil
BerColly: Le brame du cerf