Pete&NoeWoods: Japanese stilt grass
Pete&NoeWoods: British soldiers
Pete&NoeWoods: a yellow morel
Pete&NoeWoods: crinkleroot?
Pete&NoeWoods: Yellow trout-lily seedpod
Pete&NoeWoods: a mating pair of West Virginia whites
Pete&NoeWoods: a mating pair of West Virginia whites
Pete&NoeWoods: mating pair of West Virginia whites
Pete&NoeWoods: a mating pair of West Virginia whites
Pete&NoeWoods: a mating pair of West Virginia whites
Pete&NoeWoods: a mating pair of West Virginia whites
Pete&NoeWoods: unusual toothworts
Pete&NoeWoods: a rich sugar maple forest, habitat for West Virginia whites
Pete&NoeWoods: a West Virginia white
Pete&NoeWoods: a West Virginia white
Pete&NoeWoods: a false morel, Gyromitra sp.
Pete&NoeWoods: the booty from our walk
Pete&NoeWoods: half-free morels
Pete&NoeWoods: two slugs celebrating Easter
Pete&NoeWoods: early saxifrage
Pete&NoeWoods: twinleaf
Pete&NoeWoods: sessile pentillium
Pete&NoeWoods: blue-eyed mary
Pete&NoeWoods: blue-eyed mary
Pete&NoeWoods: harbinger-of-spring
Pete&NoeWoods: harbinger-of-spring, developing seeds
Pete&NoeWoods: Dan Nydick and Chris Tracey
Pete&NoeWoods: largeflower valerian (Valeriana pauciflora)
Pete&NoeWoods: sessile trillium and quadrillium
Pete&NoeWoods: yellow and white trout-lilies side by side