gswengler: DSC_0870-B
Rolandletscher: Mycene - Mycena
wernerfunk: Pilze
Matt Buckingham: White-lined Sphinx Moth
strjustin: Pretty Lake Waterford Spider
Salamanderdance: Cherry Scallopshell insanity
Salamanderdance: Hoar Frosty
Salamanderdance: Promethea caterpillar shedding
aaronsemasko: Jellies - Spotted Salamander egg mass
Salamanderdance: maple - red flowers
Corey Husic: Cobweb Skipper
Michael Rosengarten: Long Dash Skipper ?
Jennifer Schlick: IMG_2461 Crows
Salamanderdance: stonefly larva - ASP
Salamanderdance: frozen sycamore sunrise in the mist
foxgrrl: 20060610-dsc_8367
Urutu_From_SW_PA: Lynx Spider and Clover Lopper (1 of 2)
somatochlora: Cicindelidia marginipennis (Cobblestone Tiger Beetle)
kyrontf: Ticked off Antrodiaetus pacificus!
Urutu_From_SW_PA: Sharp-Lobed Hepatica_2014.04.06 (3 of 7)
Salamanderdance: usnea lichen
Jon Dombrowski: Harvestmen 2170
Gorgo7: Softshell Turtle
Salamanderdance: Early Spring Mushrooms
Nicholas_T: Shenks Ferry Wildflower Preserve (1)
law_keven: Cabbage White Butterfly (Pieris Brassicae) - Greenwich Park, London, England - Sunday July 8th 2007
GaryT48: Lilypad Clubtail