Pete&NoeWoods: Olin spies a maitake
Pete&NoeWoods: Olin's first soccer game
Pete&NoeWoods: Olin's first soccer game
Pete&NoeWoods: Ben Coulter, hot on the trail of an elusive clubtail.
Pete&NoeWoods: 20130820 F13WOO57 Beaver River at Rock Point 154
Pete&NoeWoods: Ben gets his arrow clubtail
Pete&NoeWoods: Dr. Harold Willis
Pete&NoeWoods: Noe & Petes
Pete&NoeWoods: Ellises canoeing
Pete&NoeWoods: DSC05738
Pete&NoeWoods: Finn and Noe with spotted salamanders
Pete&NoeWoods: Finn with a spotted salamander
Pete&NoeWoods: My brother Mike
Pete&NoeWoods: my brother Mike
Pete&NoeWoods: snacks at the overlook
Pete&NoeWoods: the cool kids up in the attic
Pete&NoeWoods: in the attic
Pete&NoeWoods: Eric and Andrew chasing dragonflies
Pete&NoeWoods: Eric and Andrew, two of WPC's interns, catching damselflies
Pete&NoeWoods: Eric and Andrew, two of WPC's interns, catching damselflies
Pete&NoeWoods: Chris on Devil's Backbone
Pete&NoeWoods: Lindsey on Devil's Backbone
Pete&NoeWoods: seeps near the Devil's Backbone
Pete&NoeWoods: this would be a nice portrait,