Pete&NoeWoods: Vibrissea truncorum
Pete&NoeWoods: Vibrissea truncorum
Pete&NoeWoods: Vibrissia truncorum
Pete&NoeWoods: red cotton candy slime mold
Pete&NoeWoods: a yellow morel
Pete&NoeWoods: a false morel, Gyromitra sp.
Pete&NoeWoods: the booty from our walk
Pete&NoeWoods: half-free morels
Pete&NoeWoods: Pluteus petasatus inFrick Park
Pete&NoeWoods: guess what this is
Pete&NoeWoods: young Inonotus dryadeus
Pete&NoeWoods: oyster mushrooms
Pete&NoeWoods: whose eggs are these?
Pete&NoeWoods: a stinkhorn! Phallus rubicundus
Pete&NoeWoods: half-free morel (Morchella semilibera), with spring beauties (Claytonia virginica)
Pete&NoeWoods: false morel, Gyromitra sp.
Pete&NoeWoods: 2 fungi
Pete&NoeWoods: Pholiota, either P. squarrosa or P. squarroides
Pete&NoeWoods: Pholiota, either P. squarrosa or P. squarroides
Pete&NoeWoods: excuse me, you're in my personal space
Pete&NoeWoods: a red waxy-cap
Pete&NoeWoods: snail on a mushroom
Pete&NoeWoods: waxy caps
Pete&NoeWoods: an immature slime mold
Pete&NoeWoods: a young polypore, maybe Bondarzewia berkeleyi
Pete&NoeWoods: swamp beacon, Mitrula sp.
Pete&NoeWoods: anyone want to guess?
Pete&NoeWoods: Carbon cushion
Pete&NoeWoods: swamp beacons 1
Pete&NoeWoods: swamp beacons 3