Pete&NoeWoods: io moth caterpillar
Pete&NoeWoods: closeup of unidentified caterpillar
Pete&NoeWoods: dorsal view of caterpillar
Pete&NoeWoods: lateral view of caterpillar
Pete&NoeWoods: saddleback caterpillar
Pete&NoeWoods: crowned slug caterpillar
Pete&NoeWoods: question mark
Pete&NoeWoods: Datana ministra caterpillar
Pete&NoeWoods: a bird turd?
Pete&NoeWoods: wild indigo duskywing?
Pete&NoeWoods: wild indigo duskywing?
Pete&NoeWoods: gray hairstreak in Frick Park
Pete&NoeWoods: crocus geometer, Xanthotype sp., probably X. sospeta
Pete&NoeWoods: wild indigo duskywing?
Pete&NoeWoods: hummingbird moth, Hemaris thysbe
Pete&NoeWoods: a silver-bordered fritillary
Pete&NoeWoods: a common wood nymph
Pete&NoeWoods: Harris' checkerspot caterpillar
Pete&NoeWoods: Aphrodite fritillary
Pete&NoeWoods: unidentified caterpillar, maybe a prominent
Pete&NoeWoods: a prominent caterpillar? maybe Misogada unicolor?
Pete&NoeWoods: a sycamore tussock moth caterpillar, Halisidota harisii
Pete&NoeWoods: gray comma
Pete&NoeWoods: gray comma
Pete&NoeWoods: Letchworth butterfly count, Compton Tortoiseshell NYMPHALIS VAU-ALBUM
Pete&NoeWoods: Parapoynx badiusalis - chestnut-marked pondweed moth
Pete&NoeWoods: Parapoynx badiusalis - chestnut-marked pondweed moth
Pete&NoeWoods: mating Protmethea moths