ahans: Lago Titicaca & Isla del Sol
emilycm: The violinist
Maxdög: Datemi un osso e vi solleverò il mondo...
Greg 50: 2 forks
Indydan: A butterfly and his flower - Un papillon et sa fleur
utski7: sneaking a treat off the counter
Petri_: Flypast at Sunrise
scottdunn: Autumn in Central Park
ejhrap: Check out my ears
pasujoba: Buttermere Disco
sven.dressler: Fishing in the sunset
kvdl: departure at dawn.
Adam Grim: U.S. Flag Barn - Lee County, IL
Canis Major: Art Within Art.
R. J. Hannapple: Sunrise On The Hudson
ahans: Dusty road
ahans: Golden Seven
ahans: Waiting in line