DavePerks: If I could predict financial markets three months out like I can apparently pick weekends to send Sara to Florida three months out, we would be rich.
DavePerks: Very important meeting while mommy conducts a very important meeting downstairs.
DavePerks: Photo
DavePerks: Nice tribute to Earl Weaver from the talented folks at BooneOakley.
DavePerks: Sunlight reflecting up of the hardwoods. Nice, but a little heavy on the drop shadow I think. #nofilter http://instagr.am/p/U1L1hnMITk/
DavePerks: Her: "Hey, you know what would be cute AND awesome?" Him: "Cuter and awesomer than the time we both went to a Halloween party dressed as Simba? Because that one's going to be tough to beat."
DavePerks: Practically see through Stewie pajama pants and crocs two-sizes too big. But it was in GameStop so there's a good chance I was the one inappropriately dressed.
DavePerks: Snow day!
DavePerks: Photo
DavePerks: 1 hour later.
DavePerks: With weather this gorgeous the snow that's supposed to be here in an hour or so is going to feel as good as sun ever has. http://instagr.am/p/Ul3WxhMIbS/
DavePerks: Seriously considering parallel parking behind this jack hole. #NoSpacesLeft
DavePerks: Felt a little counterintuitive to winterize the mower when it's 70 degrees out, but it was nicer than doing it in 40 degree-weather.
DavePerks: #Hokies #Leadership
DavePerks: Resisted the temptation to tag some folks in this one. ;)
DavePerks: One last time. Good stuff.
DavePerks: Only a major award can become a truly major gift. Thanks Sara!
DavePerks: Well if this doesn't sum up the #Hokies season of playing without an identity, nothing does. http://instagr.am/p/T1ADSgMIR-/
DavePerks: Found this old gem. Still makes me giggle.
DavePerks: Photo
DavePerks: Never would have guessed Mr Loco is a Taurus guy.
DavePerks: Yes! Got some new shiny white toes from the kids this morning!
DavePerks: Not a toy? These people must take their air hockey VERY seriously.
DavePerks: Time to make the egg nog. Again.
DavePerks: If anybody's still trying to figure out a last minute gift for me...
DavePerks: Even on sick days, still a princess.
DavePerks: Just wanted to let you guys know your car is A-OK. Random spotting while out and about this afternoon.
DavePerks: Celebrating the big 4-0 with my best girl since I was a slight 1-9.
DavePerks: Birthday cocktail at Hotel Roanoke. Mmmmmakers. http://instagr.am/p/Tg5oa6sIQU/
DavePerks: Spooning with my Behbeh this morning to kick off the big day.