ana.druzian: Na Estrada
Hayashina: red and blue (43/366)
Hayashina: worn but colourful
Ruby Augusto: bfds à TODOS!
Ruby Augusto: In my mind...
Ruby Augusto: pássaros...
Hayashina: in a barbershop
Hayashina: car and stairs
stefangruber82: Unterer Seewisee, Memminger Hütte und Seekogel
CCBImages: Flowers up close
p.mathias: Bagpiper on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh
wentloog: Lighthouse Waves
wentloog: Porthcawl
Hayashina: doors of 68a and 70a
Ruby Augusto: o tempo não perdoa...
Hayashina: a boat
Hayashina: frozen
torsten hansen (berlin): Vriesea Hybride1
torsten hansen (berlin): Schönefeld | Ahrensfelde | Hoppegarten
Hayashina: bench in between
peterson bruschi: _MG_1633-2
peterson bruschi: DJI_0547-2
Sky Fotografía: #wedding #weddingphotography #weddingphotographer #hands #love #brideandgroom #photography #photographylover #nikon #SkyFotografia #FrancisTrinidad #boda #fotografíadebodas #fotógrafodebodas #manos #amor #novios #fotografía #amantedelafotografía
szeke: Bogota, Colombia
Hayashina: orange bicycles
Josepha D...: Joods Herdenkingsmonument
Hayashina: old wall
Turbo666: Rising Star
Turbo666: The Opinion