penny_veitch: Last week in my Travelers Notebook
penny_veitch: Under the stairs, in the sitting rooom
penny_veitch: Christmas is over and the tree and decorations are down. Back to normal
penny_veitch: Jenny and Susie
penny_veitch: Darling daughter, Jane's, flat is rented, so she can't redecorate. I crocheted her this throw to add some extra colour.
penny_veitch: Mixed media art journalling
penny_veitch: 22nd September 2015
penny_veitch: 20th September 2015
penny_veitch: 4th January 2015 An indication of how tiny the kittens still are, even though they've grown so much already.
penny_veitch: 3rd January 2015 Tidied coffee table
penny_veitch: Daisy with her adopted babies.
penny_veitch: Two very sweet fellows snuggling...
penny_veitch: The wee chaps snoozing, snuggled up with Bob and Daisy
penny_veitch: The new boys... Hamish and Angus (Gus)
penny_veitch: 1st March 2013 Today's stationery spoils
penny_veitch: 11th March 2013 A wintery view from our bedroom now includes snow on the summerhouse roof
penny_veitch: 31st March 2013 Today's (partial) To Do List
penny_veitch: 28th March 2013 My boy...
penny_veitch: 14th March 2013 Walls painted and shelves put up
penny_veitch: 16th Februry 2013 Cashew and cardamom cupcakes!
penny_veitch: 2nd March 2013 Visitors
penny_veitch: 21st February 2014 The frame going up.
penny_veitch: 13th February, 2013 Stirling Castle
penny_veitch: 12th February 2013 Today's dinner
penny_veitch: 9th Februay, 2013 Studying at Glasgow Cally...
penny_veitch: 31st January, 2013 My study area...
penny_veitch: 4th January, 2013 Tom snoozing on John's chair, keeeping me company while I type stuff for John.
penny_veitch: 3rd January 2013 Today's haul of books...
penny_veitch: 5th January 2013 Soya hot chocolate at the beginning of our stationery jaunt!
penny_veitch: 7th January, 2013 Working on my latest essay at the bedroom window, on a cold, drizzly day...