nick taz: Misty morning on the River Tamar
Francesc F P: Mascarell comú_Mascarell Atlàntic_Mascarell
gseloff: Walk This Way (Redish Egrets, Spoonbill)
juste nemo: Douaumont (Meuse)
alisdare1: "Zionism is the cause of Mid East bloodshed."
Roma Okhotnikov: The Witching Hour
Roma Okhotnikov: Directional Entanglement
douinenadege: Fennec Fox
Kerguélen31: Rassemblement de Pélicans blancs
Jeanda.60: Blongios nain_42
philippe_lhote: fuligule milouin
Colin_Bates: Milford Study I
ulla.smidt-berner: The history of books...
ulla.smidt-berner: Bad weather ahead
ulla.smidt-berner: Circles, lines & squares
ulla.smidt-berner: A far-away ship
ulla.smidt-berner: The photographer
Tom E.S.: Hamburg - Container Terminal Tollerort
V A N D E E: Purple Veil
dominicbertine: Lanzarote, El Golfo, lago verde
Tom E.S.: Sunrise
Taz !: Watching the wheels go round and round
Taz !: I dream of rain