The Library of Congress:
Going to town on Saturday afternoon, Greene Co., Ga. (LOC)
The Library of Congress:
Dr. Schreiber of San Augustine giving a typhoid innoculation at a rural school, San Augustine County, Texas (LOC)
The Library of Congress:
Part of the cowling for one of the motors for a B-25 bomber is assembled in the engine department of North American [Aviation, Inc.]'s Inglewood, Calif., plant (LOC)
The Library of Congress:
J.D. Estes at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas (LOC)
The Library of Congress:
Children asleep on bed during square dance, McIntosh County, Okla. (LOC)
The Library of Congress:
Couples at square dance, McIntosh County, Oklahoma (LOC)
The Library of Congress:
Student pilots, Meacham Field, Fort Worth, Tex. (LOC)