Tak from Tokyo: after the rain
shin ikegami: 2020.5.31 - archives
shin ikegami: SONY ILCE‑7RM3 / Lomography New Jupiter 3+ 1.5/50 L39/M
Ignacio Ferre: Blue Tit reflection
s0340248: DSC36566 Herbst 2021
koen_jacobs: Parade!
blavandmaster: Winter rock(s)
s0340248: DSC36565 Herbst 2021
shin ikegami: SONY ILCE‑7RM3 / Lomography New Jupiter 3+ 1.5/50 L39/M
s0340248: DSC33258 Würzburg Käppele 2021
Wolfgang Moersch: Orangen-AmCit
s0340248: DSC23471 Winter 2020
s0340248: DSC23459 Winter 2020
shin ikegami: SONY ILCE‑7M2 / Lomography New Jupiter 3+ 1.5/50 L39/M
Photos Studio One: Fin de journée sur la corniche à Louxor, vue sur le Nil et à l'arrière la montagne Thébaine.
shin ikegami: SONY ILCE‑7M2 / Lomography New Jupiter 3+ 1.5/50 L39/M
shin ikegami: SONY ILCE‑7M2 / Lomography New Jupiter 3+ 1.5/50 L39/M
shin ikegami: SONY ILCE‑7M2 / Lomography New Jupiter 3+ 1.5/50 L39/M
koen_jacobs: No deal
CCTeasley784: Christmas Morning Fog 2016
CCTeasley784: Christmas Morning Fog 2016-9
CCTeasley784: Early morning canoeing.
CCTeasley784: Deep in thought.
CCTeasley784: Little Wonder
In the eyes of Penelope Proust: fenetres qui parlent
In the eyes of Penelope Proust: Stéphane Baron, ourse celeste/ange incarné1953 - 2017
In the eyes of Penelope Proust: 2017-08-26 10.33.18
foto.karlchen: Entdeckung im Wald
maximilianschiffer: Stars with clouds