penelope's odyssey: there goes the forest
penelope's odyssey: cracks in the old school wall
penelope's odyssey: school will never be the same again
penelope's odyssey: life returns to the old school room
penelope's odyssey: in the school basement
penelope's odyssey: Smoke in the valley
penelope's odyssey: Not a very pretty picture
penelope's odyssey: sun up means time to rest
penelope's odyssey: Grizzly bears? They're nothing. If you ask me, it's pretty boring work.
penelope's odyssey: turn me on, tune me in
penelope's odyssey: litoral shame
penelope's odyssey: lest we forget
penelope's odyssey: hoping the situation will soon be...
penelope's odyssey: underpinnings
penelope's odyssey: where there's smoke...
penelope's odyssey: minute-made
penelope's odyssey: I needed to put up some lights...
penelope's odyssey: I'd like to hang a couple of these on my tree
penelope's odyssey: We interrupt the story to bring you this important political message...
penelope's odyssey: Thank you America
penelope's odyssey: “The opposite of war isn’t peace… it’s creation.”