pencefn: Sunrise over Great Western Road
pencefn: St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, Glasgow
pencefn: Bishop Kevin
pencefn: Father Oliver
pencefn: Procession to the the lighting of the Easter Fire
pencefn: Bishop Kevin
pencefn: Easter Fire
pencefn: Bishop Kevin placing incense grains into the Pascal Candle
pencefn: Lighting the Pascal Candle
pencefn: The lit Pascal Candle
pencefn: Father Oliver with the Pascal Candle
pencefn: 112 - 20240331 - IMG_5542 (7D)
pencefn: 113 - 20240331 - IMG_5558 (7D)
pencefn: Father Kelvin pouring water into the font
pencefn: 115 - 20240331 - IMG_5576 (7D)
pencefn: Head of the Bishop's Crozier
pencefn: Bishop Kevin
pencefn: Father Oliver placing the Pascal Candle in its stand
pencefn: Father Oliver placing the Pascal Candle in its stand
pencefn: Bishop Kevin sensing the Pascal Candle
pencefn: Father Oliver singing the Exsultet
pencefn: Father Oliver singing the Exsultet
pencefn: Father Oliver singing the Exsultet
pencefn: 124 - 20240331 - IMG_5622 (7D)
pencefn: Father Oliver sensing the Gospel
pencefn: The Peace
pencefn: Offertory Procession
pencefn: Father Oliver preparing the table
pencefn: Father Oliver preparing the table
pencefn: Bishop Kevin sensing the Nave Altar