John Pena: Ol' Squinty-Eyed Peña Always Squintin'
John Pena: Breakwater Shadows
John Pena: Breakwater
John Pena: Compass Grass
John Pena: SEALS!!!!!!!!!!!!
John Pena: Dunes at Sunset
John Pena: Hiking Through the Dunes
John Pena: Kiersten and Matt B.
John Pena: Bridget and Jackie
John Pena: Matt B
John Pena: Life Saving Station
John Pena: Bike Trails Through The Dunes
John Pena: CLOUDS!!!
John Pena: Adam, Me, Dad
John Pena: Cows In The Tall Grass
John Pena: Skinning, Gutting and Cleaning The Grouse (Yes, that's a deer carcass behind me. Adam killed it with an bow and is in the process of skinning it).
John Pena: Idaho (as seen from Washington)
John Pena: Dad and Adam (so small compared to the landscape)
John Pena: Cow of the Mist
John Pena: Umatilla State Park
John Pena: Umatilla State Park
John Pena: Day One - Hiking and Hunting (AM)
John Pena: Rainbow-rific!!!
John Pena: Sleeping Giants Glowing at Sunset
John Pena: Horizon With Some Flecks Of Something Or Other
John Pena: "At The Beach" aka Everything Looks Better In 35mm
John Pena: Although You Can't Tell, We Had Just Hiked For Something Like Four Hours And Were SUPER Thirsty.
John Pena: Up, Up, and Up Some More