pennny41: Charlie
pennny41: Sleeping
pennny41: Charlie exploring
pennny41: Charlie on the prowl
pennny41: Charlie
pennny41: Charlie - no longer a wee kitten
pennny41: You called
pennny41: Not sure about this cold white stuff on my paws!
pennny41: Apparently this is a comfortable position - Charlie
pennny41: Charlie
pennny41: Belle hiding in long grass
pennny41: Charlie
pennny41: Charlie
pennny41: Charlie - as usual looking at something other than the camera!
pennny41: Flo checking out the hunting opportunities
pennny41: Charlie
pennny41: Not what you usually expected to see walking on the riverbank
pennny41: Belle enjoying the sunshine
pennny41: Charlie
pennny41: Charlie
pennny41: Whose chair?
pennny41: Went for a walk & Flo came too
pennny41: Apparently this appears to be a comfortable sleeping position - note my chair again!
pennny41: Flo on guard
pennny41: Charlie - checking out the hunting opportunities
pennny41: Why bother walking round the grasses when you can walk through them - only Charlie!
pennny41: Of course I put a new fence in so that you could sit on the post!
pennny41: Flo making her way home
pennny41: Charlie - helping me photography butterflies