laurie.mccarty: _DSC9119.N105 Phantom Crane Fly
P2 New: DSC_1212
Alexander Shark: Survivor
mlello: Spotted Sandpiper
ÇhяḯṧtÖρнε: Lézard des murailles (Aiguamols, Espagne) 04 mai 2019
ÇhяḯṧtÖρнε: Grenouille rousse - Rana temporaria (Pyrénées Ariègeoises) 24 février 2019
Sandrine Biziaux-Scherson: Vermilion Flycatcher
Sandrine Biziaux-Scherson: California Quails
Sandrine Biziaux-Scherson: Stand your ground.
Sandrine Biziaux-Scherson: Allen's Hummingbird and droplets
Sandrine Biziaux-Scherson: Daily dose of cuteness
♥ Robin: Brown Pelican
Chris Jimenez - Take Me To The Wild: Glass Frog in Bromelia
Alexander Shark: The Last Fire
Alexander Shark: Return to the beginning
P2 New: DSC_5291
Alexander Shark: Underwater winds
ÇhяḯṧtÖρнε: Martin-pêcheur d'Europe - Alcedo atthis (Domaine Des Oiseaux, Ariège) 17 novembre 2018
Corey Hayes: purple violet corrnet
Chris Jimenez - Take Me To The Wild: Red-eyed tree frog (Agalychnis callidryas) in the rain