valery_pokotylo: July 9, 2023. The 501st day of war in Ukraine. One flag - one dead warrior. They went to defend Ukraine from the enemy attack of Russia and died in the battle in 2022-2023. Kyiv.
Smo_Q: something like Tuscany
the.redhead.and.the.wolf: Zagrebačka uspinjača (The Zagreb Funicular)
Smo_Q: spring
Wim Boon Fotografie: Oranjetipje - Orangtip
valery_pokotylo: April 1, 2023. The 402nd day of war in Ukraine. Ascension church of Florovsky female monastery. Kyiv.
Lena Kanshyna: country strawberry
Lena Kanshyna: on our way at the night train
Lena Kanshyna: picnic for two
Lena Kanshyna: best city
Lena Kanshyna: place for the night
Lena Kanshyna: sunrise yoga
Lena Kanshyna: snow cat
Lena Kanshyna: Lada in the forest
Lena Kanshyna: morning in the countryside
fuchilao: Fujicolor C200
Smo_Q: old photo
Koprek: Winter
fuchilao: Fujicolor C200
Smo_Q: old photo
Qropatwa: Fiat 125p 1300
valery_pokotylo: February 16, 2023. The 358th day of war in Ukraine. The Church of St. Nicholas from the village of Horodyshche is the oldest church building in the Menschyna (1763) now in Pyrohiv.
Zbanduto: Staufen