Muzzlehatch: Lake Fulmor Today
DrPhotoMoto: Robber Fly
A Wild Western Heart: Chucky The Horrible
Ainm Eile: butterfly twirl
Hello, It's Me: Come Back Tomorrow
Hello, It's Me: Athabasca Valley
d_v_b: Male Black-headed Grosbeak
d_v_b: Female Black-headed Grosbeak
d_v_b: Chickadee
d_v_b: Steller's Jay
d_v_b: "What the hell IS that?"
A Wild Western Heart: Novelty Snow
A Wild Western Heart: Snowy Mojave Desert Sunrise
Hello, It's Me: Abraham Lake
Hello, It's Me: Mount Athabasca and Hilda Peak
Hello, It's Me: Yeah, I'm Cool
A Wild Western Heart: Another 3 inches.
Hello, It's Me: Icefields Parkway View
Hello, It's Me: David Thompson Highway
Hello, It's Me: Mt Edith Cavell