GE fotography:
GE fotography:
acer palmatum
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Odd duck out
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pollen collector
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winter colour
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in memory: xmas day
GE fotography:
camelia on thursday
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rose on monday
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hellebore on tuesday
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fuchsia on wednesday
GE fotography:
Sunday 20 December
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musk orchid
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Small copper butterfly
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on lockdown
GE fotography:
daphne up close
GE fotography:
bluebell on a sea of blue
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well hidden
GE fotography:
colours of summer
GE fotography:
green-winged orchid
GE fotography:
the water
GE fotography:
cornering at speed
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drooping star-of-bethlehem
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sunlight through fritilary
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wood anemones
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grecian shoemaker
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glasswing in the glasshouse
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yellow mormon pair
GE fotography:
bird of paradise