Art Gallery ErgsArt: lear_masad_dead_sea_1858
Mussi Katz: Dead Sea Minus 400 m below see level
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 1165 of "Unser Wissen von der Erde. Allgemeine Erdkunde und Länderkunde, herausgegeben unter fachmännischer Mitwirkung von A. Kirchhoff"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 194 of "Lima. Esquisses historiques, statistiques, administratives, commerciales et morales"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 58 of "The Races of Mankind: being a popular description of the characteristics, manners and customs of the principal varieties of the human family ... With ... illustrations"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 210 of "The Australian abroad, etc"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 99 of "The Children of China. Written for the Children of England. By their old friend the author of 'The Children of India' [i.e. Annie W. Marston] . With map and illustrations"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 175 of "Voyage à travers nos colonies"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 337 of "Seas and Lands. Reprinted by permission of the Proprietors of the 'Daily Telegraph' from letters published under the title 'By Sea and Land' in that journal ... With illustrations"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 249 of "The Story of the Commonweal. ... Narrative of the origin and growth of the movement. Similar movements in history, etc"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 315 of "Nouvelle Géographie universelle. La terre et les hommes [With illustrations.]"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 323 of "Nos Africains.-La mission Crampel.-La mission Dybowski.-La mission Mizon.-La mission Monteil ... La seconde mission Mizon ... Ouvrage illustré"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 153 of "Our Earth and its Story: a popular treatise on physical geography. Edited by R. Brown. With ... coloured plates and maps, etc"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 204 of "The Real Japan. Studies of contemporary Japanese manners, morals, administration and politics ... Illustrated from photographs by the author. L.P"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 111 of "Through Masai Land. Third edition"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 132 of "The Land of the Pharaohs ... Partly re-written by R. Lovett ... With a supplementary chapter on recent discoveries by Professor Flinders Petrie"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 292 of "Siberia and the Exile System [With illustrations and maps]"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 186 of "Our Earth and its Story: a popular treatise on physical geography. Edited by R. Brown. With ... coloured plates and maps, etc"
The British Library: Hours of Henry VII - caption: 'The Virgin Mary receiving the Annunciation. A book with gold clasps lies open on her lap'
The British Library: Tashrih al-aqvam, an account of origins and occupations of some of the sects, castes and tribes of India. - caption: 'Sannyasi’ a Saiva mendicant.'
The British Library: 'India Office Official Record of the Great War'. - caption: 'The wrecked Zeppelin brought down by our aviators near the coast of Essex. The skeleton of an airship which crashed in a field. 1915.'
The British Library: The Microcosm of London - caption: ''Fire at Albion Mill'.'
The British Library: Rowlandson's characteristic Sketches of the Lower Orders, intended as a companion to the New Picture of London: consisting of fifty-four plates ... coloured. - caption: ''Great news'. Two men handing out news notices in the street. One blowing a small w
The British Library: Rowlandson's characteristic Sketches of the Lower Orders, intended as a companion to the New Picture of London: consisting of fifty-four plates ... coloured. - caption: ''Poodles'. Three people admiring some puppies.'
The British Library: Untitled - caption: 'A portrait of a dancing girl in a white sari with a red border, seated on a western style sofa on a terrace'
The British Library: Chronique d' Angleterre (Volume III) - caption: 'The Portuguese and English defeat the French vanguard of the King of Castille'
The British Library: Ten Views in the Island of Antigua ... - caption: 'Slaves cutting the sugar cane'
The British Library: Twenty-four Views taken in St. Helena, the Cape, India, Ceylon, Abyssinia, and Egypt, by Henry Salt; engraved by Havell, Bluck, and Hill. With Descriptions. - caption: 'The Pyramids at Cairo.'
The British Library: Twenty-four Views taken in St. Helena, the Cape, India, Ceylon, Abyssinia, and Egypt, by Henry Salt; engraved by Havell, Bluck, and Hill. With Descriptions. - caption: 'Mosque at Lucknow.'