pear52: thumbnail_IMG_7643
pear52: Hill
pear52: In the Forest
pear52: Peek
pear52: A Quiet Moment
pear52: Yeah Whatever
pear52: Minnehaha Falls Summer 2019
pear52: bridge2 bw str
pear52: In the Stairwell
pear52: Punk Breakthrough
pear52: Punk Hair at the Pfister Hotel
pear52: Punk the shower
pear52: cutting rebar
pear52: Lindsey Senior Portrait
pear52: Lindsey Senior Portrait
pear52: Allie Swings
pear52: destruction while sleeping
pear52: zoo interchange construction
pear52: sausage meeting
pear52: coming through
pear52: Promo for "The Bachelorette" opening March 3
pear52: Ali
pear52: krampus
pear52: Capture
pear52: NYC cranes
pear52: Flatiron
pear52: DJ Senior Portrait
pear52: September 11
pear52: NYC from Brooklyn
pear52: calatrava south