Pls-NoFav-Unless-Truely-Liked: AI_Your Destruction Is Here
Pls-NoFav-Unless-Truely-Liked: When I was lost in the dark it was you that lit way
Pls-NoFav-Unless-Truely-Liked: Animals Gone Wild III -Glamping With Jason
Pls-NoFav-Unless-Truely-Liked: The clock of life is wound but once And no one has the power To tell just when the hands will stop, At late or early hour. Now is the only time you can live, love, and toil with a will; Place no faith in tomorrow, for the clock may then be still.
Pls-NoFav-Unless-Truely-Liked: Beautifully Broken
Pls-NoFav-Unless-Truely-Liked: Last Few Lazy Days Of Summer
Pls-NoFav-Unless-Truely-Liked: Let me show you how Beautiful my Darkness can be
Pls-NoFav-Unless-Truely-Liked: Drowning in the Abyss of Insanity
Pls-NoFav-Unless-Truely-Liked: Thank You For Honoring Me With The Cover...
Pls-NoFav-Unless-Truely-Liked: Thank You For Honoring Me With The Cover..
Pls-NoFav-Unless-Truely-Liked: Thank You For Honoring Me With The Cover
Pls-NoFav-Unless-Truely-Liked: By the Light of the Blue Moon
Pls-NoFav-Unless-Truely-Liked: Shoo Horsefly Shoo
Pls-NoFav-Unless-Truely-Liked: Higanbana - "Red spider lilies, as one story goes, bloom along the paths of departing lovers. Companions who for one reason or another are destined to never meet again”
Pls-NoFav-Unless-Truely-Liked: Majestic Heart,, “And the elephant sings deep in the forest-maze; about a star of deathless and painless peace; but no astronomer can find where it is.” – Ted Hughes
Pls-NoFav-Unless-Truely-Liked: Such a joy thank you♥
Pls-NoFav-Unless-Truely-Liked: Thank you so very much♥
Pls-NoFav-Unless-Truely-Liked: I'm thrilled you all liked so much♥
Pls-NoFav-Unless-Truely-Liked: Thank you Cute Animals & Great Shots♥♥
Pls-NoFav-Unless-Truely-Liked: Thank you Cute and Great♥♥