PCW:Artworks: LLLama.. Personal project just for fun.
PCW:Artworks: Etikett for Eidefeltet Brygghus sitt Gullvann.
PCW:Artworks: Ferdig maleri. Akryl på lerret, 120X150 cm.
PCW:Artworks: Leker litt med lamaen min.
PCW:Artworks: Detaljar.
PCW:Artworks: Siste billa..
PCW:Artworks: Details close up.
PCW:Artworks: Done for now.
PCW:Artworks: Bed bug..
PCW:Artworks: Prikk, prikk, prikk, prick, prikk...
PCW:Artworks: A bit of testing please, nurse..
PCW:Artworks: Skisser litt på noen småkryp.
PCW:Artworks: Touchup/redesign of the Negative Vibe Records logo emblem.
PCW:Artworks: More sculpting.
PCW:Artworks: Mekker fønki grillmat hos Jim.
PCW:Artworks: Digital illustration for a poster made for @negativeviberecords
PCW:Artworks: Sketching for beer label.
PCW:Artworks: Når gutta fra Sagene har jubileum så duger kun én ting.. Custom bursdagsøl til @tomhwivegh
PCW:Artworks: Even more artwork from the exhibition..
PCW:Artworks: More artwork from last weeks exhibition.
PCW:Artworks: Some of the artwork from last weeks exhibition. Hard to get a decent shot due to reflections.
PCW:Artworks: New artwork for Forcefed Horsehead's upcoming EP. Set for release through Negative Vibe Records.
PCW:Artworks: Klar for utstilling på Grafill i kveld!
PCW:Artworks: A little progress on this one.
PCW:Artworks: Working on stuff for upcoming exhibition.
PCW:Artworks: Eye see you.
PCW:Artworks: Started this a while ago. Might even finish it some time.
PCW:Artworks: Teeeeeth.
PCW:Artworks: This is the new artwork I made for "A Healthy Dose of Hatred" by Blodspor. (Set for release on February 2nd.) Check them out! Awesome project to work on.
PCW:Artworks: Finally!! Cashew friday på hjemmekontoret.