In Memoriam: fazer53: Wildflower - Chicory - Randolph County North Carolina
In Memoriam: fazer53: Beautiful Painted Lady Butterfly on a Cone Flower - Glenola North Carolina - Randolph County
In Memoriam: fazer53: Poppy in green bokeh - Randolph County North Carolina
In Memoriam: fazer53: Tawny Emperor Butterfly resting on a pear
In Memoriam: fazer53: Immature Coopers Hawk - Randolph County, North Carolina
roychurchill: Greenfinch
kdee64: On the Prowl
In Memoriam: fazer53: Framed Flower
In Memoriam: fazer53: Geranium buds ready to open
kdee64: The Swans Arrive
Johan van Beilen: Common grape hyacinth
Larry Hennessy: Catch of the Day
mjb8216: Heron 9356
Maxx W: Crocus 1
lynne_b: Despite Spring....Winter Lurks
joshcalebwray: Dutch Iris 1