Hugo Amador: Coleção Primavera/ Verão
A birder from Kuwait: الابلق الرملي - امدقي
Jake Wild!: A Splash of Milk
Armando Caldas: O meu livro / My book
SérgioMoreira: Boloria selene
A birder from Kuwait: الخرشنة المتوجة - جنة
António Guerra: Rolieiro-comum / European roller
João Caldas / Visual Sense: Nemoptera bipennis
Ingib: Volcano Eruption in Eyjafjallajökull
JoseLRodriguez: De pesca
Armando Caldas: Chapim-rabilongo / Long-tailed tit (Aegithalos caudatus)
António A Gonçalves: Pandion haliaetus - Águia Pesqueira/Osprey (juv.)
A.Sal.: in contrast of the shades, all the silhouettes are pure
Noël Zia Lee: Bird High Rise
Stephen P. Johnson: Buntzen Lake Picnic
pravin indrekar: _MG_1639
Doug Lloyd: If Looks
skymax27: FLOWERS
floridapfe: Eagle owl eyes
floridapfe: Eagle owl
m. geven: Kingfisher (Alcedo athis)
Aissi: Purple Hues
Dailyville: braving the cold
khalidonmove: Pelican
AdamBaronPhoto: Like Night and Day
Mariusz Petelicki: Pszczyna Palace
jefferywen1987: i was there