stray*cat: Flee
stray*cat: Guardian (#3)
stray*cat: Sisters II
stray*cat: Pete
stray*cat: Still Standing
stray*cat: Gentle Guidance
stray*cat: Guardian
stray*cat: Entreaty
stray*cat: Supplicant
stray*cat: Hold (No. 2)
stray*cat: Début
stray*cat: Blessings for Buffy
stray*cat: Dusk
stray*cat: Dead flowers
stray*cat: Offering
Foto-Tomasz: Madagaskar_2024_09_20-69.jpg
Foto-Tomasz: Madagaskar_2024_09_20-31.jpg
Susan Roehl: A Family Gathering Of Verreaux's Sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi)
Jean-Luc Drouin: Pêcheur malgache
gmorlando: Street life in Antanarivo
shuji+: EXIT
shuji+: Morning Light
shuji+: Windowsill
shuji+: White Chair
shuji+: Tokyo Melted
shuji+: Afternoon Backslash
Kendall Lit: The Claw