Phreddie: Japanese pickled vegetables @ Kobuta restaurant in Ikegami, Tokyo
bloodybee: marcel duchamp's pear (brescia, italy)
bloodybee: दाल (around the world in 80 recipes - india)
bloodybee: soupe à l'oignon (around the world in 80 recipes - france)
Susana Prosper: Renault 4
typojo: Pierrot #publiclettering #streetlettering #urbanlettering #signage #3Dlettering #neonlettering #Leiden #typojo
TypeOff: Devanagari dimensions
JordiGustinet: Lavanding bee
rok1966: 鳴門鯛焼総本舗の鯛焼。尻尾まで餡が入っていて、ガワ(って関西弁?)もカリッと焼けていて美味しいのだけれど、個人的にはもう少しガワにボリュームがあるのがいいかな。あとちょっと高い(160円)。
rok1966: アシアナ航空、関空・ソウル便ビジネスクラスの夕食。
dianaspiki: barbero
ninonbooks: Olivetti Valentine Poster
ninonbooks: Olivetti Valentine Poster
bertrandom: Olivetti Valentine Typewriter
iPhoneLomo: waterjump
iPhoneLomo: waterjump
Bud Smith: IMG_3118
Bud Smith: Shell Holland (reverse)
~BostonBill~: Sign of the Times
Richard Wynn: Tea is... - December 3rd
alshepmcr: atheist
ElDave: Picture 482
Chandra Marsono: I love this hotel's policy
Fuyuhiko: Omelette with fried rice from Yoshikami @ Asakusa
Fuyuhiko: Folk and Spoon from Yoshikami @ Asakusa
Jing Photography: web_IMG_5180_dra
Emily Irelan: Parking Meter Love
fdecomite: Real droste effect